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File List  |  1992-05-18  |  26KB  |  361 lines

  1.                           Business Applications
  2.                          Location of files 023A
  4. ADRSBAR.ZIP     11630  06-28-91  Bar Code addressing for your mail.
  5. ADVISOR.ZIP    520404  05-06-92  Small Business Advisor, easy to use. Unique
  6.                                | new kind of software program designed to
  7.                                | assiste your small or medium-sized business,
  8.                                | existing or new, to cope with an increasingly
  9.                                | complex tax, legal, and business environment,
  10.                                | using "expert systems" methods to analyze and
  11. AGCR.ZIP       160887  10-10-91  The Alcor Cash Register & Inventory Control
  12.                                | System, Easier to use than an actual cash
  13.                                | register. WEALTH of features, exports data
  14.                                | detailed reports, retail,wholesale & service
  15.                                | transactions Supports bar code readers Full
  16.                                | mouse support. on-line help You have to see
  17.                                | it to believe it! Intergrates with other
  18.                                | programs. FULLY FUNCTIONAL
  19. ALM442.ZIP      81539  12-04-90  Address List Manager v4.4.2: Mailing list
  20. AUDITOR2.ZIP    54637  12-18-91  Auditor plus a new capability to record
  21.                                | information about the machine being audited.
  22.                                | Necessary when recording information about
  23.                                | machines across a corporation. 
  24. AUTO10.ZIP      93714  10-23-91  AUTO-MATE v1.0:  vehicle expense/maintenance
  25.                                | tracking system that can track up to 10 user-
  26.                                | defined expense categories, & up to 10 user-
  27.                                | defined maintenance categories;  reminds you
  28.                                | when maintenance is due; tracks fuel economy,
  29.                                | total cost by category, cost per mile/kmeter;
  30.                                | prints report summaries.
  31. BARS10A.ZIP     45112  09-01-91  Print barcodes, carrier rtes and +4 zipcodes
  32.                                | on mailing labels
  33. BBFORMS1.ZIP    57290  10-19-91  Business form templates for Geoworks.
  34. BCM2.ZIP       367858  01-05-92  Contract manager program
  35. BIKEDLR1.ZIP   156094  11-13-90  Program for bicycle dealers. Inventory, etc.
  36. BIZPLANM.ZIP   153800  05-06-92  Business Plan Master, Version 1.2 Every
  37.                                | business needs a BUSINESS PLAN - Fortune 500
  38.                                | or Mom & Pop. Business Plan Master makes it
  39.                                | easy for you to write a complete business
  40.                                | plan.  MOst of the work is already done for
  41.                                | you. Select the text you want from these
  42. BONDS_.ZIP     141622  11-13-91  Bondcalc! The Bond Value & Yield Calculator
  43.                                | V1.0. Fast, Easy-To-use Bond Yield & Value
  44.                                | Calculator. Compare The Yields & Values For 3
  45.                                | Bonds on 1 Screen.
  46. BOOKKE25.ZIP   137968  12-22-91  Bookkeeping Made Painless v2.5:  complete,
  47.                                | full-featured, menu-driven, pro-quality,
  48.                                | single-entry bookkeeping system.
  49. CAL_V17.ZIP    103489  01-11-92  Speech synthesis home & business manager.
  50.                                | Special dates reminder, conflict notices &
  51.                                | more. Fast runnumg.
  52. CAP20.ZIP       92762  01-02-92  CATV/CCTV advertisement program v2.0 Much
  53.                                | like what you se on cable & in hotels. Works
  54.                                | best on 286/386 & VGA.
  55. CAR122.ZIP     188520  03-28-91  Chris's Auto Recorder version 12.2, minor
  56.                                | bug fixes. Helps me record maintenance for
  57.                                | my auto, maybe it can help you, too!
  58. CASE40A.ZIP    336323  11-03-91  For Attorneys or Counselers       (1/4)
  59. CASE40B.ZIP    246906  10-19-91  For Attorneys or Counselers       (2/4)
  60. CASE40C.ZIP    274890  10-19-91  Comprehensive Client/Docket Track (3/4)
  61. CASE40D.ZIP    315537  10-19-91  Tickler, Monthly Statements Etc   (4/4)
  62. CLUBAZ.ZIP      22483  09-01-91  Program to show efficient operation of Swamp
  63.                                | Cooler. Temp & Humidity.
  64. COLA31.ZIP      72090  10-05-90  Cost of living calculator v3.1
  65. COMPLEX.ZIP     82801  12-02-91  V 2.01 CONDOMINIUM/CO-OP MANAGEMENT PRG.
  66. CONSHA12.ZIP   283473  11-16-91  Contact Directory v1.2: full-featured contact
  67.                                | management software;  allows contacts to be
  68.                                | added/queried/deleted and sorts by last name,
  69.                                | company, zip and others;  with online help.
  70. CONTACT2.ZIP   173270  05-18-92  Vendors database like the ACT! Program
  71.                                | (good). 
  72. CP30DEMO.ZIP   201270  04-18-91  Demo of sales data manager program
  73. CPLUS219.ZIP   175802  07-27-91  Contact Plus contact mgmt system.
  74. CPTUT23.ZIP    103195  01-10-92  Tutorial for Contact Plus v2.3 Business and
  75.                                | client contact manager. Last revision date in
  76. CSHFLOW.ZIP     42007  12-10-91  Cashflow 1.5. Controls expenses and monthly
  77.                                | income. Prints total expenses and income and
  78.                                | the difference. Show all items for a given
  79.                                | payee or source of income.
  80. DTIMER.ZIP     276765  12-14-91  Tracks And Reports Billable Tasks.
  81. D_SHOW20.ZIP   190402  08-01-91  Dtashow V20a Multimedia Slide Show Create
  82.                                | Your Own Presentation With Script
  83. EASY_A13.ZIP   163593  11-04-91  Easy Agent v1.3: Real estate office package
  84. EBIRD10D.ZIP   183520  05-05-92  Early Bird 1.0d, monthly/annual reminder.
  85. ECON.ZIP        68682  05-06-92  ECON: Econometric Stock Market Forcasting!
  86.                                | Forecast S&P 500, T Bond and T Bill interest
  87.                                | rates, and inflation. Once a month you enter
  88.                                | 8 numbers and get statistically optimized
  89.                                | forecasts for 3, 6 and 12 months in the
  90.                                | future.  Also an Asset Allocation routine
  91. EMPBENAD.ZIP    85615  06-12-91  Employee Benefit Calculator series A rev. D.
  92. EMS11.ZIP      174944  12-20-91  Employee management system vA.11-Incredibly
  93. EXPENSE.ZIP    126328  04-22-91  Consultants Time & Expense Pgm
  94. EZCARD16.ZIP   129558  12-13-91  EZ-Card v1.6 Name/Address/Mail professional
  95.                                | tracker. 500 entries per file & unlimited
  96.                                | files.
  97. EZF221.ZIP     241591  08-11-91  Easy Finance V2.21  Accounting Stuff
  98. EZLABELS.ZIP    35538  09-24-91  E Z Mailing Labels
  99. FASTZP22.ZIP    97482  03-08-91  Produces Postal Service Barcodes and 
  100.                                | addresses envelopes.
  101. FAX1191.ZIP     44031  11-01-91  DRC's Directory of US Corporate Fax Numbers
  102. FAXCVR10.ZIP    58178  10-04-91  Fax cover page utitlity v1.0
  103. FAXINT10.ZIP    55905  12-08-91  International version of FAXCVR Fax Cover
  104.                                | Page Creator with full company/contact
  105.                                | database.
  106. FAX_MGR1.ZIP    56821  01-02-91  Fax Manager Version 1.0, Shareware Frank Cox,
  107.                                | $20.00 - Prints a fax cover sheet and
  108.                                | maintains a database of previous fax
  109.                                | recipients.
  110. FM40.ZIP       184424  10-08-91  Form Master v4.0: tool for the creation and
  111.                                | use of forms customized for the specialized
  112.                                | needs of a business or home; word wrap, field
  113.                                | justify, look-up, math operations, automatic
  114.                                | date, time, & form sequence number insertion;
  115.                                | w/4 interactive lessons, tutorial and online
  116.                                | help.
  117. FULLERB.ZIP      1088  12-13-91  Ground-floor business opportunity: Fuller
  118.                                | out a 5 line address on a business envelo
  119.                                | business.
  120. GOLDP20.ZIP     63950  10-29-91  FastPhone Gold v2.0: Phone-Address book,
  121.                                | dialer, labels, etc.
  122. GP34.ZIP       292122  05-05-92  GIST-PLUS v3.4:  income/billing program for
  123.                                | firms needing "Descriptive Invoices" which
  124.                                | contain more than just "Numbers";  provides
  125.                                | all income data required by most accountants;
  126.                                | prints invoices, statements, labels, reports,
  127.                                | & invoice/customer directories;  does Acc/Rec
  128.                                | customer statements with matching Labels.
  129. GUIDE535.ZIP   274434  02-20-91  Home & Business Legal Guide And Form
  130.                                | Generator
  131. HEM12.ZIP       91985  02-27-91  Hours/Expense/Mileage - Expense tracking
  132.                                | and Mileage recording for billing and
  133.                                | records.
  134. HEM20.ZIP      145363  05-18-92  Hours/Expenses/Miles v2.0: tracks expenses &
  135.                                | billable hours for sales pros and
  136.                                | consultants 01/06/92
  137. ICSP.ZIP       616978  09-14-91  Maintenance/service call management system
  138. INCTRL.ZIP    1177379  09-13-91  Prospect/client/customer tracker system
  139. INFOTRAK.ZIP   151917  10-16-91  Help Desk and inventory tracking software by
  140.                                | Trident
  141. INVOIC.ZIP     157946  09-14-91  Invoice billing accounting and bookkeeping
  142. IOS103.ZIP     306270  09-30-91  Inventory Organizer System v1.03 Excellent
  143.                                | Home or Business Database and Report
  144.                                | generator.
  145. ISIBA10.ZIP    342070  02-05-92  Business Accounting v1.0:  will track/report
  146.                                | revenues/billings, accounts receivables, and
  147.                                | business expenses for a small
  148.                                | service/consulting business, for both the
  149.                                | current and previous tax years;  unlimited #
  150.                                | of clients, billing items, & expense
  151.                                | categories;  menu-driven;  supports up to 12
  152.                                | reporting periods; user-definable expense
  153. JOBCOST1.ZIP   143451  02-28-91  A simple job costing program - part 1 of 2.
  154. JOBCOST2.ZIP    22114  04-23-90  A simple job costing program - part 2 of 2.
  156.                                | V1.4: MENU-DRIVEN BUSINESS/PERSONAL ADDRESS/
  157.                                | TELEPHONE PROGRAM SUPPORTING UP 725,000 AD-
  158.                                | DRESSES/ADDRESS FILE W/NO FILE LIMIT;
  159.                                | SEARCH/ SORT RECORDS, MAIL LABELS; PRINT
  160.                                | "INDEX" OR "ROLODEX" CARDS, ENVELOPES, AND
  161.                                | VARIOUS DI- RECTORY BOOKS; WITH ONLINE HELP.
  162. LBLMKR35.ZIP    57699  09-03-91  Makes disk labels for 3.5' disks use Avery
  163.                                | label 424
  164. LEDGER2.ZIP    166507  01-01-92  ELECTRIC LEDGER vA.2. The easiest-to-use
  165.                                | bookkeeping system around. Prints balance
  166.                                | sheets, P&L statements, trial balance, and
  167.                                | offers customizable reports. Very nice
  168.                                | program.
  169. LM5SHELL.ZIP   339785  12-11-91  Label Master ver 5.1 Mailng List Management
  170.                                | Program Received the PC Mag Editors Choice
  171.                                | award! Maintains an unlimited number of names
  172.                                | & addresses, prints labels of any size,
  173.                                | prints bar codes & carrier routes, 430+
  174.                                | printers supported, form letters, report
  175.                                | writer, Zip + 4 conversion, dup checking,
  176.                                | search and replace, phone dialing.
  177. LNACCEL.ZIP    100277  06-27-90  Loan accelerator loan amortization analysis
  178. LUCKYDAY.ZIP    54692  06-27-91  Lottery program for all 6/25-65 states
  179.                                | including Canada.  Complete Package..Demo
  180. MANAGR.ZIP      19717  01-07-92  ASCII Support Disk, DSK 2. File manager w.
  181.                                | Source v2.00.
  182. MIS109.ZIP      30893  10-01-91  DRC's list of MIS executives as of 10/91
  183. MKT1091.ZIP     31516  10-01-91  DRC's list of Marketing and Sales executives
  186.                                | CONSULTANTS, ACCOUNTANTS AND MANY OTHERS.
  189. MORTMIZR.ZIP    92298  01-05-92  Mortgage Mizer v1.2. Planning is necessary to
  190.                                | attain any REAL goal.  The  Mortgage Miser
  191.                                | provides one of the tools necessary to help
  192.                                | PLAN the reduction of mortgage debt
  193.                                | obligations by means of setting up models in
  194.                                | the system  (in the privacy of your own home
  195.                                | and running "what-if" scenarios against them.
  196. MYPHONE.ZIP    132522  08-11-91  My Phone Book. Address & phone
  197.                                | database-more!
  198. NSSG4.ZIP      288989  08-11-91  NAIC Based Stock Evaluation Program. Partial
  199.                                | docs included.Circa $150 registration
  200. ONT_PAY.ZIP     60040  01-06-92  1992 Ontario payroll program for 1 to 35
  201.                                | employees. Automatically calculates income
  202.                                | tax deductions, CPP, UIC, and Ontario
  203.                                | employer health tax.
  204. OVRTM102.ZIP    18183  09-17-91  Overtime Project Time Tracking System.
  205. PAS5.ZIP       166912  12-20-91  PERSONALITY ANALYSIS SYSTEM vA.5. Excellent
  206.                                | personality evaluation program, from the
  207.                                | makers of EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. PAS is
  208.                                | intended for home use rather than business,
  209.                                | but offers the power and accuracy of EMS.
  210.                                | Incredibly accurate; this one will blow your
  211.                                | socks off. Very good program.
  212. PC3LABGN.ZIP   191902  12-01-91  Labgen v2 For Peachtree III Accounting
  213.                                | Generation Histroy Tracking, File Labels
  214. PCEST20.ZIP    169697  10-04-90  PC-Estimator v2.0  For use by General Contrac
  215. PC_PAY91.ZIP   277130  03-08-91  Complete menu driven payroll system
  216. PED204.ZIP     188956  06-04-91  Pedigree managment program. Handles 3 million
  217.                                | dogs, maintains line breeding records,
  218.                                | titles,etc;. Complete system, including
  219.                                | printer driver. by Charles Orange.
  220. PERF21.ZIP     337874  09-30-91  Commercial Demo of PERFORMER the Time &
  221.                                | Contact Management System Version 2.1. Last
  222.                                | Version business program, not like others
  223.                                | who claim to be but after viewing them they
  224.                                | really are a joke.
  225. PFPRES43.ZIP   377076  05-18-92  P~F Presents v4.3: desktop presentation
  226.                                | system that allows you to create sales
  227.                                | presentations, advertising on disk,
  228.                                | product/service/ investment summaries,
  229.                                | tutorials/training pgms w/menus, sound &
  230.                                | display effects.
  231. PFRM30.ZIP      97478  08-29-91  PopForm v3.0 Pop-up label, envelope & form
  232.                                | printer. Reads from screen.
  233. PL17.ZIP        49588  09-08-91  POP-LABEL (PL) v1.7: small, fast, pop-up
  234.                                | win- dow that will allow you to quickly type
  235.                                | up & print a label(s) for most any purpose;
  236.                                | each label can hold up to 5 lines (32
  237.                                | chars/line) of data.
  238. POSI3.ZIP      224873  12-20-91  POINT OF SALE/INVENTORY vA.3. Very good
  239.                                | inventory and front-counter ticket printing
  240.                                | system. Keeps track of customer sales totals
  241.                                | and names, COGS, tax figures, etc. Interfaces
  242.                                | with ELECTRIC LEDGER for automatic posting to
  243.                                | books.
  244. POWERWKS.ZIP    85610  12-01-91  A collection of business spreadsheets for
  245.                                | Lotus 123.
  246. PROP.ZIP        35589  05-18-92  PROPOSAL SEMINAR MANUAL HOW-TO prepare a
  247.                                | proposal. Sysop note: This ZIP file contains
  248.                                | three ASCII files prepared as a
  249.                                | mini-tutorial on the art of proposal
  250.                                | writing. 
  251. PROP_MAN.ZIP    54536  01-09-92  Property managment programs for R-Base.
  253.                                | PLANNING USE (VER 3.0).
  254. RENT_MGR.ZIP    15909  10-23-91  Rental management worksheet for quattro pro
  255.                                | a simple menu driven checkbook style system.
  256.                                | includes some on-line help.
  257. RET405.ZIP     288272  12-19-91  Multi-site inventory manager v4.05
  258.                                | Self-extracting.
  259. RETAIL20.ZIP   311558  10-09-91  Retailer II+ is A Retail Management Package
  260.                                | Which Makes Good Inventory Control & Accurate
  261.                                | Sales Tracking A Breeze.
  262. ROCKFORD.ZIP    87032  10-17-91  Rockford v1.2 WYSIWYG Business card design
  263.                                | that a small business needs.
  264. ROLOFONO.ZIP    50294  12-31-90  Computerized Rolodex using only 32K.
  265. ROSEJ411.ZIP   163501  10-27-91  ROSEWOOD JOURNAL 4.11 - Invoice Journal and
  266.                                | complete accounts receivable program to be
  267.                                | used in conjunction with any general ledger
  268.                                | program.  Keeps track of cash and credit
  269.                                | sales invoices, payments on account, sales
  270.                                | tax (up to two levels), and complete accounts
  271.                                | receivable.  A label maker is built in.
  272.                                | Simple to learn and easy  to use as there is
  273.                                | no need to understand accounting terminology.
  274. SA300.ZIP      111391  10-01-91  Security Analyst v3.00: program for
  275.                                | fundamental analysis of stocks.
  276. SALE23.ZIP     236862  12-12-91  Business Sales Tracker v2.3 Includes
  277.                                | printouts & analysus.
  278. SBIDDU.ZIP      43363  10-18-91  A super DDE Client Utility from Softblox.
  279.                                | Initiate and Maintain DDE conv. with any #
  280.                                | of appls acting as DDE servers.
  281.                                | Interactively establish the conversation,
  282.                                | request and poke data items, set and unset
  283.                                | advisories and exec server specific
  284.                                | commands. Front-end uses our own 3D custom
  285.                                | controls for Windows. Freeware.
  286. SCHOOLS.ZIP    284151  05-18-92  Schools mailing list of all schools in the
  287.                                | USA 
  288. ST.ZIP         266862  06-26-91  Client/cost tracker
  289. SURVEY40.ZIP   182695  09-18-91  Lets you build up a survey in which you can
  290.                                | add your own questions and build reports from
  291.                                | the survey answers.
  292. TAH14.ZIP      127138  12-24-91  The Accountant's Helper v1.4:  single entry
  293.                                | pgm that is designed to allow you to quickly
  294.                                | and easily enter your business expenses and
  295.                                | receipts into your computer, get all reports
  296.                                | on the screen, make a copy of your data on a
  297.                                | floppy disk, take the copy to your accountant
  298.                                | your accountant imports the data from your
  299.                                | floppy disk into his bookkeeping system,
  300.                                | completes your books & returns your disks
  301.                                | along w/your printed reports;  data files are
  302.                                | also compatible with For Accountants Only.
  303. TASKMA21.ZIP   168338  09-12-91  TASKMAN v2.1 rel 2105: easy to use
  304.                                | task/project tracking pgm with on-line help,
  305.                                | pop-up windows flexible printing, file
  306.                                | management, database verified resource and
  307.                                | status codes, includes GANTT charts.
  308. TIM22A.ZIP     201753  10-04-91  Time Is Money (tm) v2.2a - time and expense
  309.                                | billing and accounting system that automates
  310.                                | your billing and receivables, with many
  311.                                | features including sales tax reporting,
  312.                                | client list, etc. Custom Data Solutions.
  313. TMASTER.ZIP    262811  05-06-92  Task Master v2.3 All purpose project tracking
  314.                                | This is an all purpose project tracking
  315.                                | program. It helps you keep track of office
  316.                                | assignments, correspondence, projects, tasks,
  317.                                | and other work - easily.  It provides several
  318.                                | report options, an appointment calendar,
  319. TMKEEP1.ZIP    367798  12-11-91  Shareware version of great time & billing
  320.                                | software *** TimeKeeper II *** Disk #1 of 3.
  321. TMKEEP2.ZIP    235645  12-11-91  Disk #2 of 3 *** TimeKeeper II ***.
  322. TMKEEP3.ZIP    246191  12-11-91  Disk #3 of 3 *** TimeKeeper II *** Great for
  323.                                | anyone who bills by the hour or fraction
  324.                                | thereof....Built in shortcut keys, archiving,
  325.                                | multiple reports, mailing lists.
  326. TRACKIT.ZIP    274973  08-15-91  TRACKIT V. 2.01. INVENTORY CONTROL/ POINT OF
  327.                                | SALE PACKAGE INTENDED FOR SMALL BUSINESSES
  328.                                | WHO WANT COMPLETE CONTROL OVER INVENTORY AND
  329.                                | SALES RECORDS.
  330. TREE.ZIP         1233  06-18-91  Trees Knowledge Base Computer Aided Gardening
  331. TSC138.ZIP      24853  06-03-91  Time study for the production supervisor
  332. TSHEET.ZIP     107928  10-20-91  Record your projects for billing pruposes,
  333.                                | E-VGA required.
  334. TTR19C.ZIP     154598  03-22-91  For Professionals who bill their time
  335. ULABEL.ZIP      51958  10-10-91  Full featured mailing label program, many
  336.                                | options! 
  337. UPSBOOK.ZIP    153558  08-21-91  Computerizer UPS book for small business.
  338. USPSMFPS.ZIP   159159  06-04-91  United States Postal Service mail flow
  339.                                | planning system. Creative solutions to
  340.                                | business needs.
  341. VARINV.ZIP      53121  08-02-91  Track returns on variable return investments
  342.                                | such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and
  343.                                | annuities. It calculates profit, periodic,
  344.                                | total and average returns, cost basis, and
  345.                                | low, high and average buy prices. Supports
  346.                                | share splits. Outputs to screen or printer. 
  347. VIDEO1.ZIP     116635  11-11-90  Catalog your video tapes. Search under name,
  348.                                | tape # or subject. Long comments. Reports.
  349. VIDEO129.ZIP   142387  12-14-91  Video Store database manager v1.29 Complete
  350.                                | point of sale package for up to 10,000       
  351.                                | members & 100,000 titles. Prints invoices,   
  352.                                | reports & inventory.
  353. WYWO22SH.ZIP    68621  10-03-91  WYWO v2.2 While You Were Out message system
  354. ZCT1.ZIP       299853  07-09-91  Entire US Zip Code Directory.  50 States
  355.                                | and 16 territories.  1 of 4.
  356. ZCT2.ZIP       169721  07-09-91  Zip Codes.           2 of 4.
  357. ZCT3.ZIP        77926  07-09-91  Zip Codes            3 of 4.
  358. ZCT4.ZIP       164077  07-09-91  Zip Codes            4 of 4.
  359. ZMAIL352.ZIP   491352  01-30-92  ZMAIL v3.52 Letters/Labels/mail merge for
  360.                                | business & organizations.